Friday, December 14, 2012


I have always been a runner. Running serves multiple purposes in my life; a coping mechanism, my favorite form of exercise, a personal test, a release, a sanctuary where I retreat when I need to feel something real in a world of illusions, and so on. At some point in life my running changed. I stopped running away from the things that scarred me and started running towards the things I wanted. I can not say for certain when that exact moment was. I have a feeling this transition occurred around 2000 A.D. on the rainy island of Okinawa. I distinctly remember being out late one night running, 10pm or later. As I was heading out on my run, I stopped at the pull ups bars. The Battalion Chaplin happened to be there. Our conversation went a little something like this:

Chaplin: “Marine, I always see you out running. I just gotta know, what are you running from?”

Me: “I am not running from anything, Sir. I’m running towards something.”

Chaplin: “Interesting, but I find that hard to believe, out here in the dark running alone.”

Me: “Maybe I’m running from the same thing that has you out here doing pull ups in the middle of the night, Sir.”

I can not say for certain that night my running changed, but it was definitely the first time I verbalized this change of purpose. Since that humid Okinawan night I have run hundreds, probably thousands of miles. Each mile ran, I learn something about myself; Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always something.

I can not imagine that there will ever by a day when I won’t run. Maybe, but it is highly unlikely. I am sure as I evolve, so will my running, and vice versa. Below is a poem I wrote a few years ago about “running”. I hope you enjoy it.


When you met me
You knew I was a runner
You knew I sought refuge in these shoes
That when shit hits the fan
I hit the streets
176 steps per minute = 6:08 pace
Sweat running down my face
Adrenaline running through my veins
And Honey… I can do this all-night-long…
Run that is

You see I had a good teacher
She taught me well
Taught me that if I ran hard enough and long enough
The burning in my thighs could replace this pain in my chest
That responsibility was only temporary
That there was nothing we couldn’t run from
Rent's due – RUN
Another bad check – RUN
No more hand outs – RUN
Unconditional love, bullshit…
There is no such thing, so you better – RUN

And that’s what we did
Mama took my by my hand and we ran
But she failed to realize that boy would develop into this man
So here I am
Standing here
In this constant state
Straddling this door way
With one foot out
Always ready to –RUN

And I know I deserve better
I know I could be so much more
IF I could just shake this urge to run
Genetically predisposed to navigate these asphalt seas
Physically weakened by the sting of honey bees
Seeking out off ramps and escape routes
Covering my tracks
Mapping out new routes to old destinations
Sprinting out the back doors of places I never should have been
Mischievous grins, thoughts, mistakes
All fuel my next 10K
Feet keep turning, leading me away from my ability at being great
Always just a step away…

Always just a step away
This false sense of freedom
Is it fear?
Is it a fucking lie?
Or just weakness disguised as independence?
But I don’t wanna be alone, impendent of you
What is the point of running a race if there is no one there to cheer you on?
What is the point of taking another step if it is not leading me closer..
To greatness... to completeness… to LOVE…

All things working together for the greater good
Ideally this is great
But I’m doing it again…
Sprinting out the back door of a thought
Where I never should have been
I’m running towards a quickly setting son of a woman
Who only taught her baby boy how to – RUN

Saturday, December 8, 2012


I received an interesting Facebook message this week. The author of the message was reaching out to me, I believe, because he/she was or is concerned about me. This individual wanted to know if I was "OK".
Initially, I found humor in the question based off the character of the enquirer.I even giggled out loud. Once I allowed the irony to subside I found myself reflecting on the question: what it means to be "OK", the fact they felt concerned enough to ask, etc.

To answer the question, I am better than OK. I am awake. I feel connected to the world around me in a way that I always knew was possible but was never ready to accept as possible for me. I am sure this apparent "change" in my life approach has become obvious to both those close to me and those acquainted with me. For those who love me and who have always seen what I am now becoming (or what I am capable of being), this change is welcomed. I think it is only concerning for those who are not ready for me to grow, to evolve. Not because of how this change effects me, but because how it effects them. I think popular culture or Hip Hop culture refer to this as "haters gonna hate". Yeah... something like that, just a little deeper.

The reality is this change is not new, it has been building inside of me for years (below is a poem that I wrote in 2010 - it woke me from my sleep, literally). It was the fear that comes with self growth that has held me back, the burden of responsibility stopped me from shedding layers of dead skin and revealing what was lay beneath. Being "Chameleon like" is easy. Taking on this identity allows you to live like an agnostic who never professes anything, just instigating that all things could be or could not be. The reality  is rolling in and out of beliefs is draining.

In contrast, "Being" is liberating.


I am seeking a revolution
But not of the physical world
One that will start in my mind
Expand past time and space
Logic will not be able to confine
Or limit the amount of growth that is due
It is overdue
Like a library book that was checked out
But never returned or read
Its contents were too intense for a feeble mind to comprehend
And I knew it
Soon as began scanning those first few sentences
Found myself overwhelmed
Frightened by words
Pieced together so perfectly
They spoke to me
They spoke at me
They screamed my name
So they were bound
Stored away
Not returned to the shelf where I found them
But stored alone
Like me
Those words possessed power
They locked themselves into my memory banks
Where they transformed into matter
Because thoughts do become things
I always considered myself lucky
Never admitting it was me
Because with admittance comes responsibility
The burden of awareness was all I could see
When I needed it
It was there
Fear of greatness
Leads to mediocracy
A place where I govern myself free of expectation
A place where the mean rule supreme
Where average is the only language the locals speak
But so-so was a concept I could never quit grasp
 It was unnatural and awkward
It made me anxious inside my own skin
So I shed it
I bled myself out
Replacing blood that was devoid of life with oxygen rich plasma
Full of energy
That runs to the tips of these hands
Hands that clinch into fist
Pumping into the air
Trembling with an impulse to create
No longer bound by self inflicted cuffs
That serves as bracelets
That defines limitations as
“One’s inability to accomplish said mentioned things” i.e. greatness
Open myself up to becoming prodigious
No longer resist
Entertain all ideas…

You see
I find myself seeking a revolution
But not one of the physical world. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I have had a simple question rolling around my big brain for about a week now; "How much does stress weigh?"

I will regress from this question to introduce where this thought comes from, escort you through my mental process. Tis the season to be jolly. Turns out that not only is it the season to be jolly, but also the season to gain weight. Studies for years have suggested that the average American gains about 5-10lbs during the holiday season. This is only partially true. The reality is Americans tend to gain only about 1-2lbs during the holidays. Which is not really that big of deal until you continue reading the research and find out that Americans, as they age, gain about 1-2 lbs a year. (This is weight gain that keeps adding to itself.) So one could reason that this annual weight gain can be directly linked to the 6 weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years Eve. Sad, but when we take an even closer look at the research, you discover that the Americans who fall into this 1-2lbs holiday weight gain category are considered to be from the "healthy" population. The Average American is not healthy. The average American is about 25lbs overweight. So they do not fall into this 1-2lbs of weight during the holiday season category. No, these individuals who are already overweight or obese have their own category; they belong to the "5-10lbs  weight gain during the holiday season" club. (A sign of hopelessness?) Weight, according to studies, they will carry to the next holiday season... and the one after that. Tragic. It doesn't take a M.I.T. graduate to do the quick math.

These finding outs get to me. They bother me. I carry them with me. I pass strangers who are obese and say a mediation for them. I have begun including the general population in my meditations. Obesity is an epidemic that used to anger me. Outrage me. I am slowly, steadily finding it in my heart to release this anger. Trade in in my feelings of rage for understanding, which MUST NOT be confused with sympathy. Sympathy equals pity, it breeds victims and shifts the burden of responsibility off of the individual. Understanding on the other hand, opens the door for conversation and allows a healing process to begin, allows for one to see that we all chose our paths; good, bad, lean, or obese. These are conscious decisions.

With this thought we arrive back to question, "how much does stress weigh?"

Tis the season to be Jolly. Is this true? Is there anything jolly about "Black Friday"? A time when our families leave our sides at Thanksgiving to go stand in line for hours to buy "reduced" material stuff. Items that if they waited till the day/week after Christmas to buy they could get even cheaper. Where is the Jolly in Starbucks and other companies being opened on Christmas day? How much holiday cheer do the employees of these companies get driving themselves to work to serve others on a day that is supposed to be about joy, family, and peace on Earth.What is Jolly about individuals allowing themselves (again, their choice) to spend money/credit on gifts during such tough economic times? Why do we even buy gifts? Obligation? Tradition?

My goal is simply to point out that our festive season has evolved into a season of stress. I believe, that there is a direct correlation between stress and weight gain during the holiday season. To reduce the connection between holiday stress levels and holiday weight gain to a coincidence is similar to closing one's eyes in the middle of the day and stating it is dark out, irrational. Our physical selves are not only represented by the fuel we consume. We, more than anything, are a physical product of our self perceptions: our thoughts and emotions. Both externally and internally.

I can name dozens, literally, of hard working people. Individuals who, through vigorous exercise and physical training, 'kill' themselves. They eat well, maybe not perfect, but make a conscious effort to hold themselves accountable to some sort of food standard. Yet, they don't change. Or when they do, it is minimal. The effort doesn't seem worth the result. They become frustrated and search for answers, only to reason, they must work harder! Run another mile, increase their intensity, cut out carbs... determined to do more, they fail to recognize that their weight gain or maintain is more a result of what they believe. Believe about themselves, the world around them, or the relationships/friendships they keep. Literally, their thoughts weigh them down.

We live in a society of chaos. A matrix of faux ideas and gimmicks. We are confronted with stress the moment we are brought out of our slumber by a screaming electronic device. We keep strict schedules and demanding lifestyles. We believe that "bigger, faster, stronger" is the way to righteousness. "No pain, no gain". I find this to be an ironic philosophy for a culture so desperately in need of healing. 

So this holiday season, slow down. Breathe. Take a moment to confront your feelings and emotions. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Give yourself permission to relax. When feelings of frustration, anger, resentment, and fear arise, take a moment to transfer that energy into a positive thought. Release those feelings, free yourself of the toxic effects these thoughts and emotions have on you. Just be, you already are.

The next time you are starring in the mirror, tell yourself you love yourself, AND MEAN IT! Strip down to your bare body and stand in front of the mirror and be OK with that person. Allow that person to move forward, to grow. Give that person permission to be OK. Learn to meditate. Try it. It works. What do you got to lose, besides probably a few pounds and a lot of built up negativity.

I am not sure how much stress weighs... but I know I am not letting it weigh me down any longer. My prayer for you is that you choose the same. Life is nothing more than a series of choices. Choose wisely.