Friday, November 30, 2012


I have been having very vivid dreams lately. A few nights my dreams have caused me to sit up in sheer panic. Not b/c I was having nightmares, but b/c I was confused as to what reality was, as if I was on the border line of becoming completely lost inside my own mind. Your mind can travel to interesting places and convince itself of interesting realities at 3am in a dark room. In at least one of my dreams I have been completely aware that I was dreaming. In this instance, I was not only aware that I was dreaming but also that the content of my current dream was from others dreams; dream combining if you will. In another I was capable of levitating (flying) and trying to teach others how to levitate as well. Gripping stuff.

While I am certainly not an educated scholar of the mind, I do believe in the power of dreams, be it while I am awake or while I am sleep. I do prescribe to the idea that "thoughts become things"

"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"
~John Lennon

Dream - Verb. /drem/
contemplate the possibility of doing something; something might be the case 

Last night, I dreamed I was in Lagos
Free, living inside the city dump
Living inside a shack with scrap metal and wood walls, a tarp and rusted Yugo hood ceiling
A floor made of Earth
A bed made of Earth
Had swapped out my 1000ct thread sheets for mosquito netting
Traded my ergonomic pillow for arms crossed behind head
Exchanged my CD of sleepy time sound-scapes for... sound-scapes. 

I was one of 16million souls with a collective purpose. 

I awoke this morning wanting to live... 
Live in a village not in a neighborhood
Wanting to live with people who stomp their feet and clap their hands simply b/c it is Thursday
Celebrate daily b/c it the only logical thing to do with the limitless energy that vibrates through our flesh
Inhabit a space where card board and copper are the only currency needed
where the exchange of goods and services trump a complicated and selfish financial system that leaves everyone wanting more and appreciating less
A place where the phrase "your moneys no good here" really means your money is no good here
Live In a place where time doesn't stand still but doesn't dictate the pace

I awoke this morning ready to start living and stop dying.

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